
Friday, 14 October 2011

This year the theme for anti bullying week is 'Stop and think, words can hurt'. Here are today's 5 suggestions from Actionwork to get you started:

1.Tell them- A lot of the time people don't realise what they've said is hurtful, they might think it was a joke or a game. If you explain to them that you didn't like what they said or how they said it, chances are they'll be able to see it from your point of view and maybe they'll stop.

2.Tell somebody else- If you don't feel comfortable confronting the bully or bullies about what they're saying to you, then try telling somebody else that you trust. This could be a friend - even a friend out of school, a peer mentor, a teacher, a parent, a sibling. And if you don't want to talk to anyone face to face, there are helplines you can call :

Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90
Childline: 0800 1111

3. Stand strong
- Body language plays a big part in how other people see you. If you hold yourself with confidence: head up without crossing your arms or legs, people are much less likely to bully you. You don't look like an easy target. The bully wants to pick on someone who doesn't look like they'll stand up for themselves or get help.

4. Don't retaliate- Especially if you're being cyber bullied; online, over text. Don't send messages back. Chances are if you don't send messages back they'll get bored and stop because they can't see your reaction so they're getting nothing out of it. If you start sending messages back, they'll know they've gotten to you and they won't stop. They'll also have your messages, which because you were upset or angry could be used as ammunition against you if they show them to a teacher or parent.

5. Keep the evidence- As hurtful and horrible as the things they might be saying to you are, if you can keep a record of them, do. The messages can be used as evidence and if they're really serious the police can use them too. If they're not messages, but websites and facebook pages, use the 'print screen' button on a computer to take a picture of the website and save it with the correct date on it.

useful links:

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